
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Looking For Your Fitness Mojo ?

Are you struggling with your New Year's Resolution to get in shape, stay in shape, or become healthier ? Most of us are or have quit by this point and  feel  it is too late to return ... However, it is never too late. Start fresh today! You don't need to start working towards a goal on a specific date or time of the year.

Most fitness plans fail due to setting lofty goals that are hard to achieve and that are too restrictive. We don't see immediate results, we get frustrated, and ultimately quit.  So here are my suggestions for success in your fitness journey.

  •  Set attainable short term goals. Remember slow and steady wins the race. For example, if you are not a runner and you go out and try to run a mile as fast you can, you will more than likely struggle. Start out slow, try jogging 1/2 a mile or more if you can handle it. Once you are exhausted, walk at a fast pace until you finish. Build up from here. Personally, 2 years ago when I decided I wanted to run again, I did not just sign up for a marathon and just go. I started with a mile and ran 3-4 days a week for 2 weeks, then I added a quarter of a mile the third week. By the end of the month I was comfortably running 2 miles. Then I started to add more miles as my body became accustom to my new fitness plan. By the end of the second month I was comfortably running 5 miles. Determine your goal, start small, and build bigger.  At James O'Connor Martial Arts and Fitness our program grows with you ! Our staff can help you set attainable goals and reach them.

  •  Make your new plan part of your lifestyle. Change can be hard even when it is a positive change.  Remember 21 days to a habit. Once you have made it into a habit, things will become easier and not such a struggle. Also, use a program that is not going to deprive you.   If you are struggling in following a diet, give yourself a weekly splurge. Knowing you have that freebie meal at the end of the week may be enough to help you stay on track throughout the week. If you do happen to get off track, don't beat yourself up. Start again the following meal or day. What matters is what you are doing 95% of the time. At James O'Connor our team will make you feel welcome and help you stay on track.

  •  Reward yourself ! When you have set a goal for yourself and have attained it, acknowledge the accomplishment.  Remembering your success can help you stay on track in the future. Buy yourself a new work-out outfit, new shoes, bike etc. Whatever it is that you are wanting for fitness take this opportunity to reward yourself. Big or small does not matter as long as it is something you want and that will remind you of your success in attaining your goal.   Here at Team O'Connor  we work with a rewards system for our team.

  •  Keep track of your progress. Either use an online program such as (free online tool & community), an excel spread sheet, or notebook. Log your measurements and weight. (However doing this more often than every 2 weeks can cause you to become discouraged.) Don't get hung up on minor setbacks, they happen. Move forward and think of ways to improve moving forward. You can't change the past, but you definitely can change the future. Remember measurements are as important if not more important than the number on the scale. Don't fixate. If you struggle with wanting to weigh yourself put your scale away in a spot you won't see it on a daily basis and only pull it out for your check-in day. Personally, I recommend either once a month or every 2 weeks. Set a date and measure and weigh first thing in the morning before eating. At James O'Connor Martial Arts and Fitness we will help you track your progress each and every step of the way. We offer weigh-in's every 2 weeks.

  • Find a Fitness Buddy or Group. Having a support system that will help you stay on track is crucial. Even if your fitness levels or goals are different. Having someone to hold you accountable for your progress and attendance can be crucial. If you have a group or buddy you meet with on a regular basis you are more likely to continue working out and staying on track. Good intentions can fall flat sometimes even though we had the best of intentions when we  started.  We all fall off the "wagon" and sometimes we even get run over. When this happens we need to get up even if we struggle. Having a support system there to help you can be imperative to your success. At Team O'Connor our teaching staff and team members will help you stay focused, motivated, and on track.

  • Vary your program. Change up your routine every few weeks to prevent boredom and rev your metabolism.  Our Program changes up routines, work-outs, and intensity on a regular basis. We offer Martial Arts, Zumba, Yoga, Functional Fitness, Run Club, and Personal Training. Check out for our full schedule and special events.

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